Reconnaissance Magazine - SUBMISSION GUIDELINES


Reconnaissance Magazine

Thank you for your interest in submitting an article or review for publication in Reconnaissance, the quarterly magazine of The Military History Society of New South Wales.

We accept submissions by email to the Editor, John Muscat, at 

1.  We publish items which are related in some way to New South Wales, Australian and world military history and heritage.

2.  We reserve the right to decide whether to publish your item but our bias is in favour of publishing every item received since our charter is to promote the knowledge and research of military history amongst as wide a population as possible.

3.  We publish four Issues each year, Autumn (nominal publication date 1 March), Winter (1 June), Spring (1 September) and Summer (1 December). Your item should be submitted at least 18 days before the nominal publication date to qualify for inclusion in the next scheduled Issue. We will endeavour to publish your item in that Issue but this may not always be possible, in which case it will appear in the earliest possible subsequent Issue.

4.  You should provide us with your full name, contact email address and telephone number.

5.  We have no fixed word count but items over around 3,500 words are difficult to accommodate in our format and may be divided into serial instalments.

6.  Your item should be submitted in Microsoft Word.

7.  Accompanying images or photographs are welcome, particularly maps, and should preferably be numbered and captioned. However, we reserve the right to reduce the number of images or change their position in the text if necessary.  

8.  Bibliographies, lists of sources, or endnotes (bracket/Vancouver style) are not mandatory but encouraged (less so in the case of book reviews).

9.  We reserve the right to edit your item as necessary but will endeavour to keep this to a minimum and confined to stylistic rather than content changes. In the rare event that substantial editing is necessary your approval will be sought prior to publication.

10. Your item should be accompanied by a brief biography. If applicable, details of any military service (and rank achieved), academic qualifications or published works should be included.

11. In the case of book reviews, any prior relationships with the author whose work is being reviewed should be disclosed.

12. We will decline to publish an item that is plagiarised in whole or part.

13. After publication, Issues of Reconnaissance are posted on Trove, the online serials collection of the National Library of Australia, for general public access.

14. Items published should only be re-published in another publication with the approval of the editor and acknowledgement of earlier publication in Reconnaissance. Our bias is in favour approving such re-publication of items.

15. We do not pay a fee for items submitted unless in special circumstances approved by the Council of the Military History Society of New South Wales. 

The Society's main website is here:


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