RECONNAISSANCE Magazine Spring 2024 Issue

"From the Editor" column of the Spring 2024 Issue of Reconnaissance , the quarterly magazine of The Military History Society of New South Wales. Welcome to the Spring 2024 Issue of Reconnaissance . Angus Britts is an Australian naval historian and author of four books dealing, particularly, with the British Imperial experience, including in the Pacific theatre of World War II. He has presented to our Society on two occasions and both times left the audience with a much clearer perception of the imperatives that drove the course and outcome of the Pacific War. On 6th April this year, Angus homed in on the strategic and doctrinal thinking behind Japan’s naval operations over the fateful years 1941 to 1945, the year of catastrophic defeat. In this issue of Reconnaissance, we are pleased to publish an article version of that lecture. Most people could be excused for assuming that the Japanese behaved in similar ways to other imperial powers. Having decided to capture and occ...